Happy "
4 Crafty Chicks" Thursday! Well....first off - I gotta say .....
Ha! Ha! My 2 months as a tax preparer have come to an end and I am back to semi-normal life at home! I will still be extremely busy with our custom spraying business, farming and I am taking some courses via correspondence - so life will still be a bit crazy! But, I am hoping to be back in my craft room a bit more ;)
This week, we are having a Guest Designer Call - this will be for the months of June, July and August. If you are wanting to come and hang out in the hen house with us Chicks for a month, put GDT at the end of your name in your linkie when you put your card in for our challenge! We'd love to have you!
This week's challenge is brought to you by our wonderful LEANNE and she's wanting y'all to pull out that SASS and make a card:
4 CC #297 {Sassy Woman!}
When I hear "sassy woman," the first person who pops in my head is STELLA from
Bugaboo Stamps! lol Now this girl knows how to sass.....
I just love her - she's got a comeback for EVERYTHING lol....We'd love to see some sassy women cards created by YOU. Come join us
HERE and link up your creation for us. Remember, if you'd like to be a guest designer for a month (June, July or August) come let us know! Happy crafting!